Abdul Hamid Ben Badis (1889-1940) and Discourse on Development



نموذج من اقتراحاتي لموضوعات المؤتمرات بحيث لا يزيد المقترح عن 250-300كلمة ويكون موجزاً يتضمن الفرضية والمنهجية إن لزم المر

   Abdul Hamid Ben Badis was not only  a well-known spiritual leader in Algerian modern History, but was also a political  and an intellectual leader.  Considering the above qualifications Ben Badis had a real interest in the development of his country as well as the Muslim World.

     When Ben Badis appeared on the scene Algeria was a colonized country. This colonization was different from other countries as France considered Algeria part of France. The Algerians were suffering from backwardness while the French community was enjoying all the benefits of their mother country.

       It was the responsibility of Ben Badis and other leaders of Algeria to contemplate on the question of development. No doubt that the influence of the Jamaluddin Al-Afghani and Muhammad Abdu had reached Algeria through “ Al-Manar ” and other writing on the question of development.

      Ben Badis dwelling on this wealth of literature and his deep understanding of Al-Quran wrote extensively of the issue of development. He went about dealing with this issue on three levels: his exegesis of the Quranic  texts, his practical steps to promote development and his refuting the claims that Wsternization is a prerequisite of development.

      Historian writing on Modern  History of Algeria either overlooked the writing and activities of Ben Badis or distorted his efforts and the those of the Association of Algerian Muslim Ulemas or denied that Ben Badis had any clear discourse on development.

     The aim of this paper is to bring to light the efforts of Ben Badis and the Association of Algerian Ulemas. During his  presidency of this association for the first nine years of its life his work was concentrated around helping to assist the Algerians to set foot on the road toward development in all fields. It also plans to provide information about the beautiful understanding of Ben Badis of The Quranic verses that dealt with the issue of development. Moreover this paper will try to prove that Ben Badis was envisioning  a distinctive type of development for the Algerian from the development of Europe.

    Therefore it is necessary for the Muslim World in his strife for development to understand the insights of such leaders. The Example set by Ben Badis has not been  given


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