The Association for Middle East Women's Studies

The Association for Middle East Women's Studies is an affiliated organization of the Middle East Studies Association of North America, Inc. AMEWS was founded over ten years ago by scholars interested in promoting quality research in the field of Middle East women's studies. To this end, AMEWS organizes conference panels for the presentation of original scholarship, and through its quarterly publication, THE ASSOCIATION FOR MIDDLE EAST WOMEN'S STUDIES REVIEW critiques the literature in the field , reviews films, provides a forum for the discussion of current issues, communicates events, jobs, and fellowship opportunities, puts scholars in touch with each other, and recognizes the accomplishments of its members. Membership in AMEWS is open to anyone with an interest in Middle East women's studies.
Information on how to join AMEWS and to receive the AMEWS REVIEW is included at the end of this Web site.
AMEWS Board of Directors
Sondra Hale, President
Eleanor Abdella Doumato, Past-president
Lori Ann Thompson, Secretary/Treasurer
May Seikaly, Member at large
Suad Joseph, Member at large
The Association for Middle East Women's Studies Review
Board of Editors
Eleanor Abdella Doumato, Editor
Herb Bodman, Film review Editor
Janet Afary
Marilyn Booth
Miriam Cooke
Susan Davis
Elizabeth Fernea
Marjorie Franken
Sondra Hale
Leila Hessini
Val Moghadam
Faegheh Shirazi-Mahajan
Sherifa Zuhur
Madeline Zilfi
Articles in recent issues: The Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women at Beijing: "An Agenda for Women's Empowerment" by Mahnaz Afkhami Nancy Gallagher's "Experience of a Lifetime" "The Year of the Muslim Woman" by Sondra Hale Val Moghadam on "the Muslim-Catholic Coalition" and other highlights "More action, less dissension than Nairobi" by Nayereh Tohidi Leila Abouzaid "on Beijing, & other thoughts" Other meetings, conferences, and exhibits: A Symposium on Women Writers in Damascus by Miriam Cooke. Janet Afary reports on the National Women's Studies Association meeting. Arab Regional Symposium on Gender and Human Development/ Beijing and Beyond reviewed by Val Moghadam. A Women's Book Fair in Cairo by Elizbeth Fernea. "The MESA Book Exhibit: What's New" prepared by Michelle Kimball. Book Reviews: Simona Sharoni's Gender and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, reviewed by Amal Kawar. Sondra Hale's Gender Politics in Sudan reviewed by Anne Jennings. Marcia Inhorn's Infertility & Patriarchy reviewed by Leila Hessini. Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban's Islamic Society in Practice reviewed by Anne Jennings. The Nubians of West Aswan by Anne Jennings reviewed by Faeghi Shirazi. Bartered Brides: Politics Gender and Marriage in an Afghan Tribal Society, reviewed by Valentine Moghadam. Four new books by Margot Badran, Diane Singerman, Fatima Mernissi, and Karin van Nieuwkerk, reviewed by Sherifa Zuhur. Muslim Women's Choices, Religious Belief and Social Reality edited by Camillia Fawzi El-Solh and Judy Mabro, reviewed by Sondra Hale. Marriage on Trial: A Study of Islamic Family Law, by Ziba Mir-Hosseini, reviewed by Janet Afary. Populism and Feminism in Iran, reviewed by Janet Afary Food for our Grandmothers, reviewed by Nadine Naber Tata Olga's Hands by Lisa Majaj Daughters of Another Path: American Women Choosing Islam. reviewed by Michelle Kimball. Films Berdel, reviewed by Gonul Ertem Iraqi Women, reviewed by Eleanor A. Doumato Commentary: "Is Teaching About Muslim Women ‘part of the problem’?" by Eleanor A. Doumato Anne Jennings responds to Faeghi Shirazi's review of Nubians of West Aswan. THE AMEWS REVIEW welcomes unsolicited reviews and other articles. Send disk and hard copy or e-mail to AMEWS Editor, 64 Alumni Ave., Providence, RI. 02906, USA, e-mail, phone (401) 792-2528. Membership in AMEWS, circulation questions, and all other business matters are administered by Lori-Ann Thompson , 3000 Lillard Dr. #203 Davis, CA 95616. 916-758-2569. <LATHOMPSON@UCDAVIS.EDUBack issues are available for $3.00 each. ISSN 1082-5371 AMEWS MEMBERSHIP FORM I would like to become a member of AMEWS and receive the Newsletter. My check is enclosed.


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