رسالة من الدكتورة أنيسة عبد الفتاح

Dr. Mazen,
      An analysis of the Caliphate of Abu Bakr is very interesting. Some of our most important principles of jurisprudence and ijtihad came through the actions of Abu Bakr, (ra) though it is not well noted. For Muslims in our time the most significant issue that Abu Bakr resolved was the issue of application of law and the rights of government to enforce Islamic law and to go to jihad in defense of ideological integrity. When some of the tribes refused to pay the Zakat after the death of the prophet (sa) and Abu Bakr consulted Umar (ra), Umar argued that the prophet (sa) said their was no Jihad once Islam had been accepted by the majority of people. Abu Bakr (ra) argued that the integrity of Islamic ideology and obligation would not be violated, not even by a minority without accountability, which led to Abu Bakr (ra) going to war. Later Umar (ra) said, "Abu Bakr was right." Two key questions are addressed: In our time, now that Islam is considered established in the Muslim world, is there still an obligation for Jihad against those who violate the obligatory acts? Is there no compulsion in religion or does the Islamic government have a right to enforce ideological integrity as well as conformity? These are important discussions as we begin to examine the rules of Islamic governance and issues of human rights, democracy, freedom of speech, etc. They are also important since we are asked to determine whether or not Abu Bakr (ra) was using ijtihad, and what inclined Umar (ra) toward his argument against and later his acceptance that Abu Bakr (ra) was correct. This is one of my favorite topics and I have
written on it in a paper "Developing Models for Muslim Community Life in
North America." If I can find the disk I will send it to you for your review.
I would enjoy reading some of your writings as well.
Dr. Anisa


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