رسالة من الأستاذة كاثرين جمعة

Asalamu Alaykum Mr. Mutabagani,
Mohammad al-Arab gave me your email so that I may clarify my problem to you. I am currently a graduate student at AUB in Middle Eastern Studies finishing up my Masters degree. I applied to the USA for a PhD in the same field and got accepted in the University of Chicago and Indiana University, however unfortunately with no financial aid. My thesis topic is on addressing the question, "Can we deduce a political  theory for the Prophet Mohammad (S) by analyzing his Sira". My masters thesis is on the same topic but considering only one aspect of a complete political theory and that is the concept of Power and authority. The PhD insha Allah will be towards the completion of a whole political theory for the Prophet (S). So my concenration is on Islamic political thought, however not the normal type. because unlike other Islamists who wrote in Politics, I am using the Western methodology of Political science to extract a theory from the Sira of  the prophet (S). This topic has never been researched before, there are books written on political thoughts or actions for the Prophet (S) but nothing about extracting a complete political "theory" for him.
So, currently I am looking for rich Muslims or Islamic organizations who are interested in promoting Islamic thought who would help me finance my first  year. I didn't apply to the UK because first they told me it's hard to get financial aid + the PhD in the UK starts with research right away which is not suitable for me because my background is all scientific. I have a BS. in Engineering and MS. in applied materials Science. In USA, there are 2 more years of course work and that would establish me better in the field.
I am also attaching my CV so that you have a look at it.
I would appreciate any help or advice you may give me.
Jazakum Allah kheir,
ASalamu Alaykum
Katrin Jomaa


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