Official British Efforts to support Middle Eastern Studies At the British Universities 1947-2008





Official British Efforts to support Middle Eastern Studies

At the British Universities



A proposal


Mazin S. Motabagani, Ph.d


Even though there are a number of studies on British Orientalism in the past and present, there are no studies have been undertaken to high light the official British Government efforts to enhance, encourage and support Arabic And  Islamic Studies at British Universities. Therefore, there is a real need to focus on these efforts at this time when there is an enthusiastic efforts in Saudi Arabia calling for knowing the other. In addition, it is of great importance to study these efforts as a good example of the responsibility of governments to establish and promote studies of the other.


In 1944 Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Sir Anthony Eden had appointed a committee headed by the Earl of  Scarborough and with membership of  officials from the Ministry of Defense, Air Ministry, the British Council, Ministry of Education and others  named "Interdepartmental Commission on Enquiry on Oriental, Slavonic East European and African Studies". The committee presented its report to Right Honourable Earnest Bevin, M.P. in 1947.This report states the objective of supporting these studies by saying: "A significant contribution to the world peace is to understand and to know our neighbors both near and distant". And the report goes on to say: "The East makes great efforts to know and understand the West and our interest and our traditions require that among the Western powers we of all peoples should reciprocate."


This report, which consists of 192 pages, included important chapters such as: the national importance of these studies, the building up of an academic tradition and the development of a public interest. It also includes as an appendix a survey of areas of interests and at the end; it includes some important recommendations to support these studies


Upon the recommendations of this committee, a sub-committee was formed in 1959 to study the development in the fields of Oriental, Slavonic, East European and African studies headed   by Sir William Hayter. This subcommittee submitted its report in 1961. In this report recommendations were made to further support these studies and allocate grants for studies in these fields. Sir Hayter gave a lecture five years after that date in which he gave an evaluation of the committee's work.([1]).  It is interesting to note that this sub-committee received grants from American philanthropic organizations to visit ten American universities and two Canadian universities.


The British government went on to support these studies by appointing Sir Peter Parker to look into the needs of Britain in the fields of Asian and African languages and Area Studies. This committee submitted its report in February 1986.


During his visit to Saudi Arabia in 2003 Professor Jergon Neilson, reviled that a committee is working presently to inquire into the fields of Middle East studies.


Since we, in the Arab and Muslim world, have trailed behind in establishing studies of other nations and cultures on wide scale, this study intends to attain the following objectives:

1-     To read thoroughly in the above-mentioned reports and their applications.

2-      It also intends to investigate how the different agencies whether governmental or private have benefited from these studies.

3-     To learn more about these studies through interviews with members of the present committee on their work.       

4-     To prepare a strong case to support establishing area studies at Saudi Universities.

1- Sir William Hayter."The future of Asian studies after the Hayter report

 In Asian Affairs.  Vol.: 12 part: 3 Oct. 1981, pp 245-53



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