القائد السياسي أبو بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه نموذجاً

هذا هو الموضوع الذي قدمته إلى مؤتمر رابطة دراسات الشرق الأوسط فلم يعجبهم ولما

قدمته للمؤتمر العالمي السادس والثلاثين حول الدرسات الأسيوية والشمال أفريقية

فأعجبهم وأعجبهم
The Political Leader: Abu Bakr as pattern.

    There is  a widespread notion that the world lacks real leadership. The method by which leaders are chosen or come to usurp power is very disappointing or even saddening.

    After the Prophet’s death (P.B.U.H), a group of Madenese (Al-Ansar) gathered in sagifat bani Saedah to choose a leader amongst themselves. The news reached some of the Makkans(Al- Muhajirun) who rushed to the site. The meeting resulted in the nomination of Abu Bakr. He was heeled a Caliph the next day by the rest of the population of al -Madina unanimously.

     Abu Bakre in his inaugural speech stated his program and the qualities he foresees that a leader should possess. First he was chosen to be the leader and it was not his wish. Second the leader should not be arrogant which was evident in his saying that he was not the best person. Third the nation has the right to monitor what the leader does. Fourth his government is an egalitarian as there is no difference between the strong and the weak when it comes to the rights of each.

      When Abu Bakr assumed power he intended to continue his private business, but the learned leaders of the society saw that this  nterfers or even conflicts  with his job as a leader. So he had to quit his business.  

   Though Abu Bakr was known to be a lenient person he proved to be so strong and  even tough when it came to the security of the state and Islam. He faced  total rebellion from almost the whole Peninsula. He was able to handle the situation effectively. There are many other qualities that shall be discussed in this paper to show that the World is  in real need of leaders of such caliber.


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