الاستشراق والإعلام دراسة حالة الإذاعة البريطانية (هنا لندن)

Many intellectuals think that Orientalists are mere scholars living in their ivory towers and have no real relation to the living world. This may be because most Orientalists either worked for certain governments as agents or experts, or were academics working in different institutions or universities. Many Orientalists or Middle East experts have taken their knowledge to the Media whether it was journalism, Radio, television and now the internet.


This paper will take the BBC as a case study hoping to continue the research in this field.


After the First World War many European countries have established radio stations directed to the Arab and Muslim World. Along with these radio stations magazines and newspapers dealt with topics that can be classified as Orientalism. To take but one example the BBC which was established in 1922 has started its Arabic section in 1938 with a clear agenda. The BBC started its magazine "Al-Mustamie Al Arabi" for many years. Then another magazine came out to support the audio services of the BBC which was "Huna London" Now this radio station has a magazine called "Al-Mushahid Assiasy". Just before the 2ed. World war some prominent Orientalists have written to the magazine  such as H.A.R. Gibb, Bernard Lewis, Arbery, Joseph Sachet and others. 


The Arab media took interest in Orientalism as scores of articles were published in the leading Arab newspapers and magazines. For example Al-Madinah newspaper had a weekly column to deal with the Orientalism, other newspapers such as Okaz,

          Since then the media whether it be written, audio, audio visual or internet have given Orientalists and Middle East specialists' ample space to participate in the major programs or main pages of the media. In France for examples the major French Newspapers and magazines dealt with issues relating to the colonized countries and particularly to Islamic countries. In Algeria for example the reformist movement devoted much space in its magazines to refute some of the writings appeared in French newspapers such "Le Temps" or "L' observitoir" One of the BBC famous programs is " Politics Q&A" or "Assiasa bain Assael wa Al mujeeb" was mostly answered by Orientalists and Middle East specialists.

          The BBC has been studied as a directed radio station from communication point of view. Some of these studies were masters or PhD theses ([1]).  However this may be the first study of BBC and its relations with Orientalism. It was rather difficult to find all the volumes of the first publication of the BBC "al-Mustame Al Arabi". The university library of Muhammad Ben Saud University has only few of these volumes.([2]) Here we will devote this paper to the BBC since the beginning in 1938 and its magazines mentioned above. The paper will be divided into three sections:

·        The first part will be devoted to give a historical background to the relations between Orientalism and the media.

·         The second part The BBC and Orientalism where will survey

 some of the major names in Orientalism and also major topics that are of interest to them.

·        The third part : an examination of some of the material published in these magazines and apply content analysis on them.


[1] - Sami Ashsharif . An Analytical Comparative study of the Political programs of Both the BBC and Voice of America.(Unpublished M.A Theses.) Also see Maji Halawani, Introduction to the Directed Radio Stations.( Cairo: Dar Alfikr Al-Arabi) 1982


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