ممارسة العمل الصحفي ومن ذلك إجراء المقابلات

            Interview with Ambassador Roscoe S. Suddarth

                        President, The Middle East  Institute, Washington D.C.
Ambassador Suddarth you are  welcome to Jeddah , Saudi Arabia . I did not  think that  we are going to meet so soon. I am fortunate to have this opportunity. Just after we met in your office in Washington I thought of interviewing you for Al-Madina Newspaper, but I was busy in the program of USIA. However here are the questions:
Question 1:
The  Media in the Middle East seems to ignore the  sincere  efforts that some institutions in the  USA are exerting to present a balanced view on the issues concerning the Middle East. Would you kindly give the reader of Al-Madinah Newspaper a brief account of The Middle East  Institute?
Question 2 :
Next year will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the institute .What are your plans to celebrate this occasion?
Question 3:
I learned that one of your future projects is to look into the Middle East fifty years back, how it was economically, politically, socially and culturally. Have you selected the scholars to carry out these studies? If you have done so, have you taken into consideration the diversity of the background of these scholars?
Question 4:
In  the last few years you have held few conferences on contemporary issues in the Arab World specially the Islamic Resurgence --termed wrongly -- Fundamentalism-- Some participants seemed to be apathetic with the subject. Do you plan to invite speakers of different points of vtew?
Question 5:
Would you kindly give the readers  an idea about the nature of your visit to Saudi Arabia and what you plan to accomplish?
Question 6:: Have any Saudi scholar or specialist been involved in the activities of the M.E.I.? If not, do you plan to invite Saudi academics to be involved  in the future?
Question 7 : Do you foresee future cooperation between the Middle East Institute and the Saudi Universities and research centers?
Thank you very much.
                                                          Mazin S. Motabbagni ,Ph.D.
October 31,1995                                 Al- Madina Newspaper.


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