انهيار الحضارة الغربية مقالة منذ اثنتي عشرة سنة

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Collapse of Western Civilization imminent
The biggest danger to Western civilization isn't Osama bin Laden, according to right-wing nutcases. Rather, the biggest danger to Western civilization are those two people above: Elton John and David Furnish gay-marrying each other.
Why, before you know it, heterosexual marriage will be outlawed, and we'll exterminate ourselves through lack of babies! Yeppers, we're doomed, doomed I say, now that gay people can, err, hold hands in public and say wedding vows in front of a judge. They'll destroy civilization with their mighty Gay Laser of Gayness that turns us all into, like, gay people, just like them!
Alrighty then, glad we got that issue resolved (heh!).
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
Jeez, and it's been such a good week, too. Between DubYa receiving a richly-deserved and long-overdue smackdown over the NSA scandal, and the judge in PA informing the Jesus People that they cannot teach religious fairytales in school and pretend it's science, I had almost started to think the adults were back in charge. Why'd you have to go and ruin it for me, Penguin?
# posted by Aaron : 21/12/05 2:25 PM
heh heh heh...
# posted by SB Gypsy : 22/12/05 5:34 AM
Glad I am an alien and do not have to put up with all the human crap.

# posted by Ole Blue The Heretic : 22/12/05 7:12 AM
Actually, it's Elton John's gold shoes that are going to bring down civilization.
# posted by Lab Kat : 23/12/05 10:15 AM
They didn't get married in America, did they? I think we're okay if they got married in England. We know those British don't follow the correct behavior, anyway.
# posted by oldwhitelady : 25/12/05 9:03 AM


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